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Modeling of energy storage systems in railways


Author/s: Pablo Minayo Ferreruela

This article is focused on the study of the behavior of different on-board energy storage systems in the case of a real track of a tram. It will be detailed, for that track, the energy consumption of the tram, as well as the influence of different technologies in storage systems. Within these technologies, it will be deepened in batteries and supercapacitors as energy storage (which are the most used in nowadays projects), and it will be chosen a wireless inductive charging system. Finally, it will be concluded which of the studied systems are suitable for the purpose of eliminating the catenary in all the track of the tram and the possibilities for these energy storage systems.

Keywords: Tram, supercapacitors, batteries, catenary, energy, power

Publication: Vía Libre Railway Research Nª 12, pp 97-107


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